Spartan Sports provides youth and teen boys with the opportunity to learn and practice the fundamentals of basketball in a structured setting and to experience basketball at a competitive level.

*Only 1 Tryout required


Grades: Players 3rd-8th

High School: 9th-12th

tryout fee

$20 per tryout

Only 1 tryout required

If you want to pay with cash at the tryout, register online and use discount code TRYOUT

high school tryouts (9th-12th)

Friday, February 21 & 28

6:15 PM-7:15 PM

@Olympia Park

College exposure tryouts (9th-12th)

Tuesday, February 25

7:45 PM-9:00 PM

@Niles Family Fitness

Thursday, February 27

7:15 PM-8:30 PM

@Oriole Park

Wednesday, March 5

7:20 PM-8:30 PM

@Olympia Park

tryout dates (3rd-6th)

3rd/4th...Thursday, February 20 & 27

6:30 PM-7:30 PM

@Oriole Park

5th/6th...Wednesday, February 19 & 26

7:15 PM-8:30 PM

@Olympia Park

3rd-6th...Friday, March 7

6:00 PM-7:30 PM

@Olympia Park

tryout dates (7th-8th)

Wednesday, February 19 & 26

6:00 PM-7:15 PM

@Olympia Park

Wednesday, March 5

6:00 PM-7:15 PM

@Olympia Park

tryout locations

Brooks Park

7100 N Harlem Ave, Chicago

Niles Family Fitness

987 Civic Center Dr, Niles

Olympia Park

6566 N Avondale, Chicago

Oriole Park

5430 N Olcott Ave, Chicago

Extra Costs

Spartan Sports Basketball has partnered with NIKE's Gear UP program. Uniforms must be purchased through their link.

practice jerseys

Players are asked to purchase a reversible practice jersey. Jerseys can be purchased through Squadlocker.






- Silver team practices will be held 2x per week for 1.5 hours per practice at various neighborhood locations. (Coaches will select their practice days and times based on availability.)

Gold & Elite Teams practice 3-4x a week.


- Each team will receive at least eight (8) tournaments. Current tournaments consist of 2 games.

Gold & Elite Teams play 10-12 tournaments.

- Game dates will be provided by the coach (1-2) weeks after practices begin. (Games will either be on

Saturdays or Sundays, rarely on both days consecutively.)

- We can only provide game/ tournament dates not times. Game times are released by the tournament director by THURSDAY morning of the same week of the tournament.

Elite teams will compete in EXPOSURE tournaments.


Spartan Sports teams compete in local, regional, and national competitions through tournaments, shootouts, and leagues.

The program consists of Silver, Gold, Elite & College Exposure teams.

The Silver Teams season runs from March 17 to the end of May and consists of two weekly practices and eight local tournaments.

Gold, Elite & College Exposure teams have additional practices and tournaments.

All players registering for tryouts will be assigned to a team.

No matter the level, we focus on developing and teaching players how to play the game.

Thank you and best of luck!

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